On Motherhood

britt brewer
1 min readOct 26, 2023

This soundbyte stopped me in my scroll yesterday. Yes, yes, yes!

And mom-hair, mom-eyes, mom-style while we’re at it. (I’m personally just this year stepping out of my, “I live in tights” stage.)

I realized that it was this season 6 years ago that we found out we were having our first baby. My body, my mind, my very soul has changed in multiple ways over these years.

I’ve wished several times that we would recognize and normalize the change, instead of having moms focus only on 1) everything “baby” and 2) everything “bouncing back”. Medically, socially, historically… this is all it’s been on all fronts. Where does this culture even come from?

Why can’t we instead honor our changed minds+bodies as progressive steps toward becoming a different version of ourselves? Where is the information health-wise? Where are the facts and opinions and studies around what may change for good vs. what may revert?

It’s nice to see acceptance becoming a thing. With acceptance will follow research, with studies comes information, and with information hopefully acceptance simply becomes truth.

Originally posted at BrittBrewer.com



britt brewer

☕️writer + mama🐻 ️+ doodler + adventurer in California; RYT200 | brittbrewer.com/visit